These are challenging days for the foodservice industry. Vulcan’s new Rare Remarks series sets out to share real perspectives on and insights into how COVID-19 is impacting businesses and their community members. In our latest episode, I check in with Operations Manager Christie Dilbeck for a closer look at what's happening on the factory floor.
In her capacity as Operations Manager for ranges, convection ovens and heated holding equipment, Christie oversees a breadth and depth of tasks, including everything from filling orders to providing post-service support. As an essential business, Vulcan has remained open through the pandemic. And while the goal of delivering high-quality equipment to customers as quickly as possible has remained the same, Christie reminds us that it’s far from “business as usual.” In fact, while approximately half of her staff is still working on site, the remaining half, including Christie herself, are working remotely. All the while, Vulcan and its parent company, ITW, have endeavored to keep things running as smoothly -- and as safely -- as possible.
In this interview, Christie offers a closer look at what life is like for Vulcan employees at this unprecedented time, along with how keeping people safe and the factory open is a proactive, ongoing and collaborative effort. As for the current state of the factory and its surroundings, Christie has an optimistic outlook. “I would say overall right now it’s like a productive feel. We all want to see our economy succeed. Working in a manufacturing plant you hear it from people: they want to roll up their sleeves, do what’s necessary, and beat this thing -- and keep their jobs and keep our customers happy,” she says.
Click below to watch the full video and hear more from Christie, then be sure to check out Vulcan's comprehensive COVID-19 Resources page for more useful information.