Simple, Intuitive Commercial Kitchen Equipment Saves Hours in Training Time
We often talk about the importance of saving time in the kitchen. And indeed, equipment efficiency is a critical imperative for restaurant owners and managers looking to maximize output with minimal input. But there’s also a lesser-acknowledged way to save time, and it starts before you even start cooking with the purchase decision. Not only can buying the right equipment make or break performance, but it can also significantly impact productivity — starting with staff training and continuing throughout the cooking cycle.
Why Training Matters
According to the National Restaurant Association, “Whether it’s programmable fryers, high-tech combination ovens, or sophisticated video order systems, managers and kitchen staff should know how each piece of equipment works, how to properly clean it and how to perform periodic maintenance.”
Unfortunately, this can be easier said than done in today’s demanding, time-pressed commercial kitchens. Still, doing so is an investment — not just in terms of the quality of your food, but also pertaining to employee safety and satisfaction. And given the direct and indirect costs of employee turnover, the value of supporting the latter cannot be overstated. Introduce overly complicated equipment, meanwhile, and the challenges grow even greater.
Make Kitchen Training Easier by Purchasing Efficient Equipment
One simple way to make the training process easier and more efficient? Outfit your food service operation with kitchen equipment designed with the user experience in mind.
For example, Vulcan’s programmable fryers feature intuitive computer controls which allow operators to push a button to set time and temperature based on a particular menu item. Not only does this remove guesswork from the equation, but it simultaneously boosts staff confidence levels while cutting back on training time.
Or, consider snap-action temperature controls available on Vulcan griddles. Offering an ideal balance between accuracy and affordability, they keep the griddle temperature within 10-15 degrees from the set point — giving operators not only tighter temperature control, but also peace of mind over the consistency of their menu items.
An additional benefit of choosing industrial kitchen equipment with employee training time in mind? Not only is it useful for getting employees up and running quickly and competently, but it can also be an effective employee turnover management tool. In other words, it’s a win-win-win for owners, employees and diners alike.